Sunday, November 9, 2008

Christmas Spending

What are your family plans for Christmas spending? Usually we take a trip to family in Ohio and Iowa, but with the economy, medical bills, and tell-tale signs that the minivan may be giving us problems in the near future, we are sitting the "travel" season out. So how much are we going to spend on gifts? I don't think we will spend over 500.00 if that much. The kids realize this and haven't really bombard us with a list of wants. I'm very fortunate that my kids don't try to compete other kids and recognize how they really do have in life. Our goal is to give to others. We may try to do some online shopping and ship for free to our love ones in far off states. That is one way to cut costs as online retailers offer special deals with free shipping. The other things for our local relatives would be an exchange of services. Now, the thing I'm trying to concentrate on is making this Christmas a one shot deal and get my budget under control. The plan is start saving through out the year and not to cram at the end of the year. So, again how do plan your Christmas spending?

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